Sunday, September 9, 2007

Random Musing

Saturday morning. No milk. The boy and I were both craving some good coffee, which includes milk. The red cap, five dollar a gallon stuff. I was in no way fit for public viewing, so I made him a bargain: I drive, give you the check card, you go in and get it. We do this alot since I'm not fit for public viewing 90% of the time.

On the way there, I glanced over at my impeccably dressed child, and noticed his hair sticking up in the back. !!!!!!!!! He agreed to go in public, and his cowlick isn't plastered down??? He must really not be awake yet, either.

And it just kind of hit me. I'm getting older. If he hadn't of been around, I would have went and got the milk myself, fit for public viewing or not. The would have been exposed to my sweats, the dark circles under my eyes and no effort to conceal the extra 35 pounds I've gained this year. He, under most circumstances, will not even go check the mail until he's groomed so well he could attend a ball.

I remember being like that.

I was his age, and my hair had to be properly teased, crimped, or curled to perfection, makeup on ALWAYS, jean cuffs always properly tight-rolled, shiny black boots, all bangles adorning my arms, everything in it's place. I'd spend an hour preparing myself for a trip to the mall with freinds, or just to go with mom to fill the car up with gas. You never knew who you were going to run into!

I guess it's a teen thing. Because I certainly do not care who I offend with my relaxed look nowadays!


Unknown said...

I was always more laid back and didn't really care what people thought. Comfort meant more to me. Did for my kids when they were teens too. Now you couldn't catch them dead unless they were in the designer stuff. Guess I got off lucky since I didn't have to buy it when they were home.

mom2triplets04 said...

I enjoyed your entry today. Since I had the triplets I have been known to jump out of the shower and just tie up my hair letting it dry on it's own. My son even said to me one day, Mommy, your hair wet. I told him yes, I know but at least it's clean. I just don't have time to blow dry it every day. Glad you got your milk. Running short errands for me has to wait till the triplets are in bed. Wish they had a drive through milk store.