Wednesday, August 1, 2007

How has the Internet affected me???

According to the website "Daily Holidays of 2007", today is the anniversary of the World Wide Web. Blog Prompt: Tell how the internet has made an impact on your life.

I'm with lots of other ladies on this prompt---how has it NOT affected my life? I might say it has affected me in such a positive way that I wish it would have come along sooner. Maybe I would have sat at home instead of running around getting into trouble in my teenage years. I love to read, so the Net has saved me lots of money in reading material (but it will not ever take the place of a good book, a blanket, coffee and chocolates). I found my 'calling' in computers, and while I haven't quite made it to my goal career yet, I know that it will be with a computer. (If my bum neck will just permit it, anyway....) I have found hobbies and friends, and discovered things that interested me greatly I might not have found originally. I also use it as a tool to watch over what my kids and their friends are up to by perusing thier MySpace sites. It's amazing what you find out from that!!!!!!!! So, it is a very versatile tool of many many many I can't even think of them in one sitting. I also met my very good friend Eric, who lives in Chicago and comes to spend a week with me every year that he can afford to. I have missed him this year!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can actually remember back to the days of typewriters and then word processors. But still I cannot imagine not having my computer. As you said it has brought the world to me. Though you said it much better.