Friday, August 31, 2007

Dress Code

Blog Prompt: Now that school has started back here, the big issue is the dress code. dDo you agree with having a dress code and if so, who should determine what it should be? Should it be the principal, the school board, the students, the parents, the state dept. of ed or someone else?

I think there absolutely should be a dress code enforced in all schools. I also think everyone should have a say in the dress code, since everyone is affected by it: The people who teach, who look at it, the people who wear it, pay for it, and are responsible for the ones who wear it.

I would love to see uniforms in our schools, but I don't think that's going to happen for a long time. Of course, when I was in high school, if someone would have ever said that would have come out of my mouth, I'd have fainted of mortification right then and there. I also would love to see the reduction of stereotyping (rich vs. poor, etc)

I DO NOT think open-ended dress codes clauses should be put into effect, as they currently are in our schools. (And have been for years) This means, if any given teacher doesn't like what your kid has on, for any given reason, despite the fact that the clothing meets all dress code conformations, then you ave to pick the kid up and take it home and change it. But, I guess if they want to be that way, that it would be fine, as long as they pay for the clothing. The stuff isn't cheap.

I don't care for clothing that should all but have "Please knock me up" pasted on the front. It's a proven fact that teens have still developing brains, and overdeveloping hormones, and do not make wise decisons alot of the time. I hate seeing marketing that targets these physical characteristics of a typical teen.

On the other hand, teens have a huge need to express and to just 'find' themselves. There's always going to be new, evolving steroetypes that help them fit into or gloriously rebel against a niche: Preps, headbangers, nerds, emos, jocks, etc etc etc. However, I feel such should be approached with caution, and closely monitored. (Parents: Just say NO to Thugs, Lolitas, and Stoners)....

Now that I have rambled I guess I should say, long story short, as with all things, proceed with Moderation.....


Unknown said...

Agreement here. I think the only problem with uniforms is cost. Most that I have seen have been rather pricey so until the cost of uniforms meets the cost of jeans and a polo shirt, I think enforcing uniforms is not a good idea. Though I did get a giggle out of how you would have reacted to it when you were younger, LOL.

loonyhiker said...

Isn't it amazing how we are surprised at the things that come out of our mouths now that we are adults! I also wish that parents would have the gumption to tell their kids that no, they will not walk out of the house wearing those clothes!