Wednesday, May 16, 2007

DSP Blog Prompt 5/16/07

Blog Prompt: List the 5 things that annoy you the most. If you are like me, this can change from day to day, but tell me the recent annoyances that have just gotten on your nerves.

1. Rude Customers---whether you are my customer or not.
Given my line of work, which I don't usually talk about, I have to say, people who expect something for nothing. If your item is five years old, it's used. Period. Warranties DO apply. Service technicians do get sick, have babies, and heart attacks, so sometimes they haveto change thier appointments. And sometimes, just sometimes, when you get a service rep on the other end, maybe we really ARE trying to help, so just be nice. When I am out, as a customer to another business, I can't stand to see someone acting like a moron to the hired help. Most of the time (although I agree, there are circumstances that warrant a fit), but, most of the time, all that caterwauling just isn't neccessary.

2. People in General
Thinking about this for a moment has just opened a floodgate of annoyances. It all ties into people and how they act. There's far more than 5 things to list, so I'll go with these, to start:

Snobby attitudes -- Last time I checked, EVERYONE'S undies were made in such a manner that they all get put on the same way. Where would these people REALLY be if they didn't have dear hubby making their living for them, or Mommy paying their bills?

Materialistic tendencies ---so somebody's house is bigger than mine. Queen Elizabeth's 'house' (or palace) is bigger than theirs. They can get over it.

Bullying --Please--call a lawyer! I hope he's worth the four grand or so that will be spent
getting a point across.

Road rage--I'm not sure about the rest of you, but stomping, horn-honking, finger-waving, and screaming idiots behind me just make me want to go even slower, even if the car directly in front of me does decide to finally speed up.

Liars --The be-all, end-all of annoyances. I absolutely cannot stand to be lied to.

3. Crooked politicians and the health care system
I don't feel that I need to elaborate on this speaks for itself.

4. The person or persons responsible for the extinction of the good, old-fashioned 'arse-whoopin'
I know everyone knows at least one person who would be put in their place should they be dealt a good swift kick in the pants every now and again..........

5. Having to go somewhere at the end of the day
That wasn't planned, or anything that cuts into family time.

1 comment:

loonyhiker said...

I loved your list! I really loved the good ol' "arse-whipping"! I know I got my share. I didn't get abused but did get a spanking when I needed it. I don't think I became a violent person or abused my own children. I think kids today don't have enough discipline which is why they are so bad in school. The government has taken away our right to discipline our own children. But of course that is my opinion and that plus a dollar will get you a cup of coffee!