Tuesday, May 1, 2007

DSP Blog Prompt 5/1/07

Blog Prompt: You won the travel lotto! You will get an all expense paid trip for you and your family to 5 places anywhere in the world. List the 5 "Must See" places in the world you would go see.

Well, let's see.......there are 5 of us, so I would let everyone pick a place. Unfortunately, that would leave me with just one!!! Where would I go?? Probably to Australia on New Year's Eve. They have, of course, the biggest fireworks show on Earth then.

After that, should someone forfiet (sp?) thier choice, I would say to England, Scotland, Ireland, and Romania. Oh, and Italy, all over. Greece. And Alexandria, Egypt, and then to the Pyramids.... all to see what I could learn about their rich history.

Weren't we supposed to stop at 5?

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