Friday, June 29, 2007

More High School Memories

DSP Blog Prompt 6/29/07:
What were your high school colors? Team names? Clubs you belong too? Did you graduate? What do you remember most about your graduation day?

Highschool colors: Red, white and grey
Team Names: Greyhounds
Clubs you belonged to? Art Club, Choir
Graduate? Nope!
What do you remember most about your graduation day?
That Kameron was right at a year old, and that I had four weeks left before graduation. I had made A's and B's all year long. Kameron had caught a really BAD case of the chicken pox. We are talking pox bigger than a quarter, fevers of 104 degrees that sent my 17 year old self into a PANIC. He still carries some of those scars, and I learned that I had every right to be scared of that kid's fevers. He's no joke when it comes to a fever, but that's another story in itself. Anyway, I wasn't about to leave the kid with a sitter--he was too sick. The doctor wrote me out an excuse from school to stay home with him for two weeks until he got out of the woods. I could now collect all my schoolwork, keep my grade average up, and graduate, and be home with my sick child.
I took the doctors excuse in and the principal would not accept it because *I* was not sick. He didn't care how sick my child was. A heated argument ensued between us. I was to report to school unless I got the pox myself or I would not graduate. In the nastiest way possible I let him know just what I thought of his decision and stormed out. I still feel no better about him today. If I knew then what I know now, I'd probably slapped a lawsuit on that school. I did not graduate--I stayed home with my baby. Kameron recovered fine and I went back and got a GED. So, what I remember most about my graduation day is that I was at home in the living room playing with a laughing, bouncing, healthy baby boy, instead of standing in line in a cap and gown waiting to get a piece of paper that I could have lost a baby over.

To this day I do not regret my decision.

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