Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Blog Prompt: What are you putting off right now?

Heh. The entry would be shorter if I said, what do I not put off! I am a procrastinator. I have a lot to take care of, that's no joke. Sometimes I make excuses for it, sometimes I'm nervous, sometimes I'm tired. Sometimes I'm lost, or torn, or my resources are thin.

I wish I could harness the power of PMS, put it in a bottle, and take a good dose of it when I need it. It might help me some. Those sour moods and that don't-run-over-me extra dose of strength, I find is hiding sometimes when I most need it.

Right now, I am putting off:

Something to do with my job. (My Mercy factor---for not wanting to give some people what they so deserve, even though they so deserve it. But, tomorrow is the big day.)

Something to do with my house. (Needing a little PMS factor here. I have a contractor to defend. This will hit next week with a VENGEANCE.)

Balancing my checkbook. (limited resources)

Mailing off a few bills (because I haven't balanced the checkbook this week)
(Here's that resource thing again)

Cleaning my room (yeah, I talk out of both sides of my mouth here. The kids can't leave to go out sometimes, not all the time, if there room is a pigsty!) This has something to do with tired.

Cutting my hair. This...this has something to do with something that I can put my finger on, and that something I can't put my finger on is something I'm not ready to let go of yet.

I go tomorrow to visit the hairdresser. A consultation, if you will. I wonder if I'll take the plunge and make the appointment. I wonder if I'll keep my courage and KEEP the appointment???


loonyhiker said...

Oooh, you just reminded me that I have to balance my checkbook and pay some bills!

Tammy said...

Girl, you have alot to put off till tommorrow!! As Miss Scarlet would say, "Tomorrow is just another day"!

Unknown said...

And another, and another. That sounds a tad like the energizer bunny. I've procrastinated in reading your delightful blog this week. How's that for procrastination?