Tuesday, June 19, 2007


DSP Blog Prompt: Moving on in life, as a teenager what do you feel were your greatest achievements and worse mistakes? Have these achievements and/or mistakes helped to make you a better person? Or did they hinder you as you proceeded into adulthood?

Wow....I didn't achieve much as a teen. I made lots of mistakes, actually. I wasn't into any high school clubs or groups. I was misunderstood and artsy, and fell into the wrong crowd. What most people would say is the worst mistake a teenager could make ended up being my greatest accomplishment. I ended up pregnant at 16. Unlike a lot of other teenage girls who handed their baby off to someone else to raise, though, while they go finish growing up, I kept my kid, and raised him just as I am raising them all today. I was heading down a road to certain destruction....one I have seen many of my friends from that time in my life follow. I grew up, met my challenge and responsibility head-on, and today, I have a good, strong, well-loved, intelligent son that I am proud of. I could have achieved similar results without learning things the hard way...but, also, I look around and alot of other people my age who never had things rough, and think, "Now how would they handle something really, really tough?" I am glad that I also became a stronger person from all my trials and tribulations.

So, honestly, even with all the mistakes I made, I wouldn't change a thing.

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