Sunday, April 29, 2007

Broked Kitty

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I was NOT going to have another cat. I had two already that I could barely afford vet bills on. But everytime I went over to Steve's sister's house, this little grey cat would go berserk. He would not leave me alone. I couldn't hold the baby, I couldn't eat dinner, I couldn't do anything without that little thing all over me. I can't say I didn't like it. I adore snuggly kitties. Finally around Christmas Kameron decided he liked the cat, too, so, home it went. The cat loves me. That's about all I can say for it. And did I get attached to it? yes. Real attached? I was ate up with that cat. (His name is Frodo by the way.)

Well, one day he decided to go outside. When I come home from work, he didn't come. I was worried sick! The next morning, he didn't come. The girls found him beside the garage. When we brought him in, he couldn't walk. So we took him to the vet. She did some X-rays and we found out that he had eveidently been hit by a car, or some sort of severe trauma, because his thigh bone was completely broken at the base of both the top and bottom joints. The bone was broken in such a manner that it was impossible to splint both breaks. We had a few options....we could amputate, euthanize, or we could gamble. So, we gambled. She splinted the bottom break and we left the other break to heal on its own, bracing it as much as possible. She said sometimes breaks like that would heal into what is called a false joint. We were hoping Frodo's sweet little leg bone would do this. He just wouldn't be able to move very much. And we knew that he would have a severe limp, always, if everything went according to plan. But I couldn't put him down, and I couldn't have his little leg cut off, so I gave the house payment to the vet and let her do her thing.

We had to do splint checks every week so she could keep an eye on the breaks. Using the litterbox was not a very pleasant experience sometimes, but I have to say that this cat was a trooper through it all. He never lost his appetite or snuggle capacity. I think he's even more snuggly now, because in order to let him get a reprieve from his dark cat box, I'd sit with him on the sofa in the evenings for long periods of time, holding him in my lap. I'd even let him chew on my hands when he felt frisky. We all signed his cast so he'd know we were rooting for him.

Finally, after all his shots and deworming and splinting and neutering, the cat is able to come out of the box. His hip healed about as well as we could have hoped. The leg gets a little stronger everyday and he doesn't limp near as bad as I thought he would, but the leg is certainly not usable for crouching and jumping. All in all, I think the vet did a wonderful job and I am so glad that my snuggly little baby is OK!!!!!


Karen said...

What a wonderful story ArcaneFaery. And with this ending you must be so glad to took the decision that you did. Congratulations.

loonyhiker said...

What a sweet thing you have done for Frodo. I love his name by the way! I really love the layout with his foot in the cast.